The Brains behind Telstra International’s new Customer Value Proposition

Brains Agency · 28 August 2022 · 2 minute read

[Text on screen] Global connections. Infinite possibilities.

[Text on screen] We help your business thrive.

[Text on screen] Telstra logo.

Articulating an expanded customer value proposition (CVP) in just a few words can be a challenge. Here we share five helpful insights from our journey with the team at Telstra International as we collaborated to evolve their CVP from Connecting the world to Asia to reflect their expanding proposition.

Be inclusive and give your staff a voice

No one knows your CVP like the people who live it every day. So rather than making a ‘top-down’ decision, Telstra International interviewed staff across their global offices to uncover what they felt set them apart. What surfaced was their absolute dedication to customer service, with many great examples and awards for working collaboratively with technology partners to deliver digital transformation. This strong customer focus was also reflected in their industry-leading Net Promoter System (NPS) Score.

Consider what’s changed from an organisational perspective

Telstra International had also significantly expanded its global network with new routes between North America, Europe and Asia, and new PoPs all over the world.  At the same time they’d evolved a growing suite of integrated network solutions – from Adaptive Networks to Cloud, Security and Modern Workplaces – to help customers leverage this growing global capacity to grow business in new markets and territories.

Factor in the customer context

It’s not what you do. It’s what you do for your customers that should be reflected in your CVP. For a complete understanding of enterprise customer needs, priorities and ambitions, our collaborative team reviewed market insights from leading analysts  including Omdia, Gartner and GlobalData, which pointed to an ongoing need for rapid and sustainable digital transformation in an increasingly global economy.

Determine your customer value proposition and your tagline will filter up from that

Armed with a profile that mapped company strengths to customer needs, we were able to determine four attributes that set Telstra International apart – service, partnership, solutions and trust – with detailed proof points which validated each claim. We  laddered up from these four CVP pillars to summarise what Telstra International offered its customers. Global connections. Infinite possibilities.

Share your new tagline internally first

Before going out to the world with the new CVP, we conducted training sessions for team leaders in Telstra International’s four regions who went on to deliver internal training. Staff were excited to see how the slogan had evolved, pleased to discover the CVP was so clearly articulated with supporting proof points they could use in customer conversations, and proud to have helped shape it. A soft launch then introduced the new tagline to the world at ITW in May 2022 where it was positively received by customers in advance of global marketing initiatives over the next few months. 

Find the story behind Telstra International's new Customer Value Proposition article on LinkedIn.


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